Honoring God by helping people to help themselves by getting, keeping, and improving their job.
Job assistance is available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 to 11 a.m. Please be prepared to present your current I.D. card.
A Message From Jubilee’s President
Jubilee Ministries is committed to helping improve the Peoria area by working to change the “downward spiral” that we so often see, as evidenced by poverty, joblessness, and a general feeling of hopelessness . Studies show that a downward spiral is caused by “stink’n think’n” which includes three elements or beliefs that a person or a whole community can be feeling at the same time. These three self-defeating feelings are:
I feel worthless or worth less than before.
I feel the world around me is hostile.
I feel it will never change.
People with this feeling of hopelessness construct a shell around themselves and are resistant to encouragement or even good news. They have the belief that “nothing works for me”. As my friend Professor Agbara Bryson teaches, they then practice self-handicapping behavior or shooting themselves in their own feet.
To change this downward spiral, you must change at least one of the 3 negative beliefs. You must break through the shell by creating real hope in people who have very little hope. Real hope changes behavior.
We at Jubilee Ministries are seeing new hope that I have not seen in 30 years of ministry. I attribute this to a combination of:
Jubilee’s encouragement and Angela’s tough love.
An abundance of $13 —$16/hr jobs that we see as the first step up the ladder.
Felons and ex-offenders, that we now call returning citizens, are being hired as if they are not felons or ex-offenders for the entry level jobs.
ICC’s Workforce Equity Initiative that provides free training for jobs in manufacturing, health care, and computers which can take someone quickly from a minimum wage job to a living wage working in a career such as truck driving, welding, nursing, or computers.
A start to reducing the mass incarceration of our young black men. A start to reducing the fines and fees imposed on the “disorderly poor”. This hostile world is becoming a little less hostile.
We sense God’s favor and direction for this ministry in stopping the downward spiral by creating real hope that changes behavior.
Jubilee’s goal is to enlist partners to successfully STOP THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL.
YOU can help us make a difference in someone’s life. Jubilee Ministries relies upon individual and corporate donations to fund our day-to-day operations. Your donation can be made by check. Send to Jubilee Ministries, 1215 N. Sheridan Rd, Peoria IL 61606. Thank you.
Bob Kaiser, President of Jubilee Ministries